Tuesday, 24 September 2013

My Life Boat

Yonder a weary boat awaits,
A gray streak in the blue invokes,
Hither I'm on my dreams afloat,
Following desire: a serene abode.

Away rowing into the sea green,
Floating over waters never seen.
Tides love me with such hatred,
A dull smile, thither they are fled.

Tempests to the weary fiercely strike,
Dreams and Hopes shattered alike.
Lo! Foresees light, my heart näive,
A plank still floats on the wave.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Engineer's Day: on a different note

en-gi-neer [en-jə-ˈnir]
a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds complicated products, machines, systems, or structures
[Merriam Webster Dictionary]

a person who yearns for a 1 crore package at a US based MNC and eventually ends up in an IIM if this unfortunately does not happen.
a person who curses himself for not being in Computer Science and Engineering
[Dictionary of Current Indian Affairs]

Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Ranking slips in the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) tops the list second year in a row.
Why care about this when the IITs already came after 200th rank in the previous year’s list?

So, you’re an en-gi-neer and you’re proud of it?

Why Proud?

Because you can boast about how burdened you’re with your assignments, how you can pass just by studying the last night of exam, how you can post facebook updates like ‘I build the world’, how you can get a job that would make your neighbors raise their brows?

If you’re proud of any such thing then my friend you have been deceived, you have been deceived by the world and its glitter.

Quality of an Institute is not judged by how many of its students get jobs but by how helpful it is in the development of the World. How innovative its students are? What can they make which the world has never seen?

Does India lack brains?

Obviously not!
A girl from Goa developed a 3D gesture sensing technology which is good enough that it may replace (or complement) the touch screen technology. [MIT]
Another India based girl in USA developed a super capacitor that can charge your cell phone in seconds using Nano-Technology.

Ask yourself.
What are you striving for?

Even if you become a billionaire you may be in news for your lifetime but if you could give a technology that revolutionizes the world you’ll ever be memorized. That day you’ll be a true Billionaire, a billionaire of million hearts.

Earn. Earn enough. But don’t accumulate. Are going to live the next moment to enjoy your accumulation?

Be an Engineer not an E(arn)gineer.

Happy Engineers Day!

PS: Don’t google ‘Dictionary of Current Indian Affairs’, its fictional.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Yo Yo Honey Singh

Friends, Indians, countrymen give me your ears for I come here today not to praise modesty but to bury it. The noble elites say modesty is ancient and ‘modernism’ is today’s need but this is a grievous fault and seriously we have paid for it.

Many have criticized the celebrities who condemned the rape cases (specifically the Delhi rape) arguing that they are the ones who are one of the motivational factor behind these cases. They are the ones who objectify women in all of their productions be it movies, advertisements or most importantly ‘item’ songs.

‘Why item songs?’

‘Because woman is an item dude. Don’t you know?’

‘Use her and throw?’


Why criticize the actors for promoting visual objectification of women when we have audios which objectify women too?

Yo Yo Honey Singh!

Yes, you’ve heard that name. He started his career as a singer who sung adult Hindi/Punjabi songs and went all his way to rap in Bollywood songs.

‘But why criticize someone for his wrongs past?’

‘The point is: has he actually changed? He apparently stopped using obscene words but what he portrays has always been the same.’

Yet, Yo Yo is an honorable rapper.

His songs literally treat women as whores. People who protest with the placards of “Hang the Rapists” in the day are also being fed with the same mentality they are protesting against.

Yet, Yo Yo is an honorable rapper.

I had once heard that world today wanted something new to be high on. I never knew ‘something new’ implied ‘anything at all’.

Yet, Yo Yo is an honorable rapper.

I am told that music is something that soothes your mind and soul, something that persuades you to think. That being the case, this is not music.

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Silent Night

It was the end of September and nights had started to become a bit colder. The full moon, ruler of the night showered its milky beams upon the otherwise gloomy world. The moonlight gave a bluish hue to the Eucalyptus trees and the fireflies competed with the lamps of heaven.

The sheer silence of the scene was occasionally broken by the sharp sound of  the cricket.

“Did you see the moon?” Rahul asked Anjali.
“Yes! It’s beautiful” she replied.
“Not as beautiful as you.”

She did not respond but the wind whispered that a tear or two oozed from her sparkling eyes.

“I wish we had a world where only we existed. I would have danced with you for eternity” she said excitedly.
“Close your eyes. Let me take you to such a world.”
“Now see I am near you to hug you and comfort you” he said.

She tightened her arms on her own chest and hugged.

“I am feeling sleepy. Please play a song so that I may sleep calmly” she requested softly.

A song was played. The softness of music amplified into her heart and took her into an ocean of dreams and serenity. 

He paused the song to hear her breathe. Her exhalations relaxed his soul.
The moon hid behind a patch of cloud. 

“Good Night Love!” he whispered softly and hung up the call.